Tuesday, April 8, 2014

Chapter 7

Well last week was a horrible, no good, very bad week : ( Even though it was spring break and I didn't have classes between my two jobs I worked 70hrs! Some nights I was at work til 1am blehhh because of that I was just completelyyyy drained!!! I didn't get to the gym at all except Saturday. I'm not telling you this to complain or make excuses merely to explain what happened and let you know no ones perfect and sometimes you have a bad day or even a bad week! I saw this though and it made me feel a lot better 
Just because I had a tough week and didn't get to the gym like I wanted or even though I might have a not so good eating day it's just a small set back. It doesn't define me or my journey. I can either quit or I can pick myself back up and keep pushing, and I'm definitely going to keep pushing!!! 

Despite that I went in to have my second hydrostatic body fat test done. After six weeks even though I was up 2lbs on the scale I've lost 3.7lbs of fat and gained 6.2lbs of lean muscle mass! My body fat went down an overall 2.36%! Not as great as I would've liked but better than I thought! 
This just really motivated me to pull my act together and kick it up a notch! Gonna tighten up my food intake and really kick butt in the gym! I will get to my goal! If just a matter of when not if! Need to blast that fat and keep building that lean muscle! : D

Dragged the bf to Cotco again haha I needed my Greek yogurt!!! 

And of course Stater Bros for the others

More buffalo chicken you say?! I can't help it I loooooove the stuff!!! Haha lunches will mostly be buffalo chicken wraps with a power greens salad 

For dinners I've got lean ground turkey for my protein, sweet potatoes for my carbs, and for veggies I've got green beans!!! 

Well like I said I'm really going to focus on my food intake, keep it clean but still yummy, and limit myself to one cheat meal a week. Also gonna bust butt in the gym! Add in some fasted cardio to try and blast that fat! 
The Wardance Beach Body Competition is underway so I really gotta fight for my fit : D

That's al for now folks. As always, thanks for tuning in ; )

Friday, April 4, 2014

Chapter 6

Completed week 5! This weeks post is later in the week than I normally post, you'd think that being Spring Break Id have a little free time but noooo : ( ton of OT this week, work is kicking my butt! Oce again my weight is still the same. I don't know if I've hit a plateau or what but I'm gonna have to switch some stuff up because it should be going down a little even if I am gaining muscle (which I'm not really sure that I am lol) 
I did do a 5k at Angel Stadium this weekend and got my best time ever!!! 28:20 woo honestly it was roughhh haha I was trying to keep up with my friend who was haulinnnn tail...I knew I wasn't gonna be able to stay next to her but I just kept telling myself "just keep her in eyesight just keep her in eyesight" and I did! Pretty darn proud of myself : ) Now she's been bitten by the running bug though and is signing us up for a race a month practically haha it'll be good to keep us in motion for the Dumbo Doudle Dare Challenge in August though <3

Also ordered some stuff online 
Woooo haha 


Made spaghetti and meatballs with spaghetti squash

Having calzone roll ups for lunch this week yummm

Saturday I go in for my second body fat test to see what progress I've made over theist six weeks. Not sure what to expect but I guess we'll see.
Bought a plane ticket to go home to Oregon next month so I really need to get my butt in gear because I want to look my absolute best!
The Wardance Beach Body Competition is underway this week and I'm very excited about it and I can't wait to see everyone's progress! 

Well tha tha that's all for this week folks. As always, thanks for tuning in ; )