Tuesday, March 4, 2014

Chapter 2

Progress Report:

So I finished week 1 of my 12 week challenge. I'm down almost a lb from last week (180.6 to 179.8). Normally I'd be really dismayed at the fact that I've only lost barely a pound over the course of the week but I'm really trying to stay focused on my goal which is burning fat and building lean muscle mass. Since muscle weighs more than fat the scale might not necessarily change as fast as I'd like it to so I'm hoping my results will show in the mirror more than on the scale. Considering I'm eating more than I was before a pound down is a pound down! My goal as I get closer to my "goal weight" is to just really toneeee. I took a picture of my progress. I don't know if you can really see any difference, it has only been a week after all, it might be psychological but I feel like I'm getting tighter (I definitely feel like my bat wings are less jiggly haha).

Based on my cousin's suggestions I'm going to cut 20g of carbs from my medium and high carb days and see how I do. I felt really good overall throughout the week with the way things were so I'm interested to see if slightly changing that number will change anything. I'm also going to try lifting heavier as well. I want to get stronger and get that muscle tone. 

Meal Prep:
   I forgot to take a picture of my grocery store haul, I know naughty me! Just think lots of meat, yogurt, salad, some fruit, and some low calorie carbs haha

I'm not entirely sure what to call these guys lol so I think I'll go with turkey pesto rolls. Essentially it's ground turkey mixed up with eggs and pesto, stuffed with fat free feta cheese and sun dried tomatoes and then wrapped in turkey bacon and baked.

I LOVEEEE buffalo style chicken and I had a craving for it so I decided I'd make some pulled buffalo chicken to turn into sandwiches. I used a bag of frozen chicken breasts and put it in the crockpot on high for 5hrs with a cup of buffalo sauce to marinate in. Then I shredded that and divided it into four equal servings. I mixed each serving with 1T buffalo sauce and 1T 0% Chobanni Greek yogurt to give it a little more zest and I portioned it out with some blue cheese. YUMMMM <3

I also made some Chia Seed Pudding. Chia seeds are fulllll of omega 3s and anti-oxidants and things I don't even know haha so I mixed 1/2 cup chia seeds, 2 cups unsweetened almond milk, a little vanilla extract, and some sugar free maple syrup. Honestly on it's own it didn't have a whole lot of flavor so this morning I mixed in some sugar free cheesecake pudding mix and some raspberries and it was delicious!

Anyways, those are my goals and my food for the week. Hopefully I will keep seeing improvement. I am so blessed to have the most supportive and positive cousin helping me plan and fight through this challenge. I am also deeply honored by those of you who have reached out to me to share your stories and tell me I motivate you or to ask for tips. I am no expert but the knowledge I do have I am more than willing to share! I have been honored by having the owner of the gym I go to ask me to be involved in the social media aspect of Wardance Training Center and I will be organizing a summer weight loss challenge, if you're local I encourage you to join!!! Even if you're not you can still participate from a far, have fun, and get the motivation/encouragement/and ideas from me and the other's who will be participating.

I hope your week is going great! As always, thank you for tuning in ; )

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